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Drug ARM

This service offers positive solutions, as well as first point of contact for young people and parents wanting drug information, education and support.
Ph: 027 678 1194 (Roy)

Narcotics Anonymous

Check out the website or phone line for local meetings.
Ph: 0800 628 632
Visit narcotics anonymous website

Needle Exchange Scheme Marlborough

Pharmacies in the programme:

  • Unichem Mortimers & Frasers Pharmacy, 101A Market Street, Blenheim
    Ph: 03 578 5228
  • Unichem Springlands Pharmacy, 131 Middle Renwick Road, Springlands
    Ph: 03 578 2271
  • Poswillo's Pharmacy, 30-32 Scott Street, Blenheim
    Ph: 03 578 9022
  • Picton Healthcare Pharmacy, 6 High Street, Picton
    Ph: 03 573 6420 (All level two pharmacies).

Go to Needle Exchange scheme website
Email needle exchange for more information
33 Sandyford Street, PO Box 22-176, Christchurch, New Zealand
Ph: (03) 366 9403


Aukati Kaipaipa

Free 12 week intensive quit smoking programme, serviced by Maori for Maori. A mobile service. Practical advice and information.
FREE Nicotine Rreplacement Therapy (NRT) provided with patches, gum and lozenges.
There is ongoing support and follow-ups available.
Ph: 03 577 8404 or text 027 203 3699


One-to-one quitting advice and information. Call-back system for regular support is available if wanted.
Subsidised nicotine replacement patches and gum programme.
Ph: 0800 778 778
Website: www.quit.org.nz

St Marks Residential A&OD Treatment Centre

Treatment centre for those people identified with addiction dependencies. Provides residential treatment based on the therapeutic community concept for adults aged 18 and over.
61 Main Street, Blenheim
Ph: (03) 578 0459

Te Piki Oranga (TPO)

TPO has Alcohol and Other Drugs counselling services called Rangatahi and Pakeke
Ph: (03) 5785750
The alcohol helpline new text number is free
Text for help to 8681 and they will text you back for a free, confidential conversation.

St Marks Residential A&OD Treatment Centre

This is a treatment centre for those people identified with addiction dependencies. Provides residential treatment based on the therapeutic community concept for adults aged 18 and over.
61 Main Street, Blenheim
Ph: (03) 578 0459